Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Perfect Life- Chaper 4, Amy's Big Date

Then the phone rang. You go to answer it. U- “Hello?” J-“Is Amy there?” U-“Yeah. Hold on just a second. Let me go get her.” J- “Ok.” You come and get me. Me- “Hello? Who is this?” J-“This is John. Remember? From the run-in yesterday?” Me- “Yeah. So what did you want?” J-“Are you free? … Oh lets say…. Friday?” Me-“Let me check. Ummm… yeah, I’m free Friday. Why?” J-“I was wondering if… you would like to go see a movie and have pizza afterwards.” Me- “Sure. But I have to tell my parents.” J-“Ok. Get back to me on that. You know my phone number…. Right?” Me- “Yeah. Isn’t it 412-366-4411?” J- “Yep! Don’t forget.” Me- “I wont. Bye.” J- “Bye.” We hang up. U- “What was that about?” Me- “Oh nothing. Except, that John asked me out on Friday night!” U- “Really? What did you say?” Me- “I said that I was able to go but I had to check it with my parents first. “ U- “Be sure to ask Mom. You know that she’ll let you go. Don’t even try asking Dad, he’ll ground you so long so you wouldn’t even be able to see a guy… till you’re 25!” Me- “I know.” U- “What are you going to wear?” Me- “I don’t know. I’d probably have you go shopping with me, and have you help me pick out an outfit.” U- “Cool! So when we going?” Me- “How about right now?” U-“Ok. Hold on. I have to leave a note for Mom and Dad.” Me- “You’re probably right. So you right the letter and I will get our purses.” We go to the mall. We went to JC Pennys because they had a 75% off sale. We get me a black mini skirt and a cute silk white shirt. I got a cute purse and black high heals with white stockings. (To match the shirt. I really don’t want to look Goth!) You got a red tank top with a blue jean mini skirt. You also get a cute purse and a pair of funky sandals. Then we go to the saloon to get our hair and nails done. Me- “It’s getting late. We’d better go home.” U-“You’re probably right.” So we get our stuff and went home. We ate dinner and then watched “Switched” on ABC Family. After Switched, we played spit. Then we went to bed. ITS FRIDAY!!! You get up at 9:00am and then you get me up. U-“Amy! Get up! We’re going to be late!” Me- “Late for what?” U- “PRACTICE!” Me-“Oh SHIT!” I get up and get ready. I brush my hair and put it in a messy bun. I get ready in 5 minutes flat! We stop at McDonalds for breakfast. We eat on the way there. Practice started at 10:00 and we got there at 9:45am. We go to the locker room to get our stuff on for practice. Then we stretch. Edzo tries to teach us the plays. But that doesn’t really work very well. During scrimmage I didn’t let any goals in!! (GO ME!) Then practice ended at 1:00pm. We went to the locker room and went into our private shower room. (So we wouldn’t be butt naked in front of the guys. Dad appreciated it. Lol) this time I actually brought shampoo!!! (GO ME!) After we were done, Edzo wanted to talk to us. E-“Hey guys. Wait up!” U-“What do you want Edzo?” E- “I just wanted to say awesome practice and that the both of you are playing in tomorrow’s game.” Me- “Ok. Thanks. Bye. WAIT!!! HOLD ON! WE’RE PLAYING TOMORROW? MEANING I’M THE STARTING GOALIE?!” E- “Yeah, so what’s your point?” Me- “Nothing.” So on the way home, we talk about tomorrow’s game. We get home at about 2:00 pm. I call John so I know when he’s picking me up. (Ring, ring) J- “Hello?” Me- “Hi John. What’s up?” J-“Nothin. Who’s this?” Me-“its Amy.” J-“Oh, HI!” Me- “I wanted to know when you are picking me up for our date tonight.” J-“Is 4:00pm fine?” Me- “That’s awesome! See you then! Bye!” J-“Bye!” I hang up. U- “So, what did he say?” Me- “He said 4:00 pm.” U-“Then you better get your butt in gear! So I rush to get dressed and have my make-up ready, and my hair just right. You help me with that. Its 3:30pm. We’re making sure I’ve got everything. Then we just look at magazines and stuff. Its 4:00 pm right on the nose. And John is there. You get the door. You’re wearing blue sweats a sweatshirt and a white T-shirt with your fuzzy slippers. U- “You must be John.” J- “Yep.” U-“Come on in and have a seat. She’ll be right down.” I come down and John says, “WOW! You look… nice.” But I know what he was really thinking, “DAMN SHE LOOKS HOTT!” J-“You ready?” Me- “Definitely.” First we go see a movie. 50 First Dates to be exact. We loved it. It was sooo funny! Then we went to get pizza afterwards. Then we went to do bumper cars. That was THE BEST! He even won me a big teddy bear. Then we came home .on the doorstep, he gave me a kiss… on the lips! Do you believe it? We just met, and went on our first date. We say goodnight. And what a good night it was! When I get inside, I feel like I want to scream! You come down stairs and say, “So, what happened?” Me- “We saw a movie, got pizza, and went to do bumper cars. He won me a teddy bear and brought me home. Then we kissed. U-“That’s it?” Me- “Yeah. Well, I better go to bed and rest up for tomorrow’s game.” Before I go to bed, I leave a message on John’s answering machine asking him if he wanted to come to our game tomorrow.

1 comment:

mrsjordanstaal11 said...

Aww such a cute date...